Build a cross compiler for nommu architecture and the cross compiler should be able to generate excutables with ELF or bFLT file format.
OS: Ubuntu 7.10
Linux Kernel: 2.6.22-14-generic
buildroot version: latest svn version
Directory of cross toolchain: /usr/local/cross_compiler/arm/buildroot
1. Retrive the buildroot package
svn co svn:// /* make sure that subversion is installed */
Or, get the daily snapshot from directly
2. Make buildroot Copy the configuration file 1_buildroot.config from this web site to the root directory of buildroot and rename the file to .config.
make menuconfig /* verify/change the settings and save the configuration file */
Notice: please modify the setting of "Build options -> Download dir" to the directory where to place the downloaded files, please modiry the setting of "Build options ->Toolchain and header file location" to the directory where cross compiler should be installed, here the "/tmp/buildroot" is the default setting.
3. Make uClibc and buildroot
Copy the configuration file 2.1_uclibc.config from this web site to /buildroot/toolchain_build_arm_nofpu/uClibc-0.9.29 and rename the file to .config
cd /buildroot/toolchain_build_arm_nofpu/uClibc-0.9.29
make menuconfig /* verify/change the settings and save the configuration file */
copy ./.config ../../toolchain/uClibc/uClibc.config
cd ../.. /* move to the root directory of buildroot */
Copy the configuration file 2.2_buildroot.config from this web site to the root directory of buildroot and rename the file to .config
make menuconfig /* verify/change the settings and save the configuration file */
4. Set PATH environment to include the path of cross compiler
vi ~/.profile
PATH=/tmp/buildroot/bin:"${PATH}" /* add this line at the bottom of the file */
5. Verify cross compiler Use arm-linux-uclibc-elfhdr to confirm if the file format of built file is bFLT
arm-linux-uclibc-gcc -static -Wl,-elf2flt hello.c -ohello.flt
arm-linux-uclibc-flthdr hello.flt /* or */
file hello.flt