目前分類:GNU (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
  • Jan 08 Tue 2008 13:04
  • gdb

  • Compile the program with the -g option, this causes the compiler to generate an augmented symbol table.
  • $gdb [program] [core-dump]
  • gdb options:

-d dir

Tell gdb to look in dir for source files. Ex: gdb –d /work/phase1 –d /work/phase2 foo.

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  • By default, make looks first for a makefile named makefile, then it looks for Makefile.
  • A simple example: two targets, stimulate and stimulate.db
# A very simple makefile.
# Lines beginning with # are comments.
# Targets begin at the left margin, followed by : .

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